Decade in Afghanistan transforms Army kit 06.10.11

Decade in Afghanistan transforms Army kit 06.10.11
Decade in Afghanistan transforms Army kit 06.10.11 (3 мин 14 sec)
11.10.2012 в 16:15
Добавил charlie

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British Army
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Ten years since fighting started in Afghanistan, British Army soldiers have been transformed as almost every piece of equipment has been replaced or upgraded to cope with the conflict. Now, desert boots replace jungle boots and the new multi terrain pattern is designed to blend into almost any background. Small arms have been improved as the latest additions to the SA80 a2 are a world away from the unreliable a1. The newest body armour provides vastly better protection. The only armoured vehicle currently used in Afghanistan that was even around in 2001 is the Warrior. Much of the new kit has come in as urgent operational requirements and that means it faces an uncertain future beyond Afghanistan.
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