Один умелец из Швеции, а конкретнее из Стокгольма взялся собирать 4 штуки стайкбольных реплик станкового пулемёта M2.
Не думаю, что хотя бы один из них попадёт в Украину, но этот гаражный проэкт прекрасно иллюстрирует пословицу "если очень захотеть, можно браунинг замутить"
Dear Airsoft news,
First of all, I just want to tell you that it\'s nice to follow the developments in all areas of Airsoft through this site
About me: I´m 24 years old and lives in Sweden, Stockholm. I have a master degree in mechanical engineering and a year ago I begun building 4 pcs of M2HB replicas.
It´s not the plastic ones that excists on the market today...
It´s made of steel and I´ve used water jet cuttting, welding, milling machines, lathes and so on. It weights 35 kg (the reel steal weights 38) and it has excactly the same length. I´m a milsim player so I want it to look GOOD!
Today there is one fully complete and is driven by a m249 mechbox, but generation 2 will be driven by compressed air.
I gonna write a report of my work with pictures from the different steps and I can´t think of any other place to publish it except from this site?
Here is a little video from yeasterday
