"There are two kinds of men who walk the earth ... Men of Action, and all the others." - Lt. Col Randolph C. White Jr. 2BN 58th Infantry
The Art of the Tactical Carbine is a 3-disc DVD set featuring over four hours of actual live fire class instruction and additional instructional material.
With extensive combat experience around the globe, instructors Travis Haley and Chris Costa cover not only the basic fundamentals and "how to" aspects of the carbine but also the "mindset" required to employ a carbine effectively in dynamic stress situations. Using real first time students, the DVD set shows student progression from start to finish with nothing but positive results.
The Art of the Tactical Carbine Two is a 4-disc DVD set featuring over five hours of actual live fire class instruction and additional instructional material.
Instructors Travis Haley and Chris Costa take Carbine operation to the next level. An informative and exhilarating Dynamic Carbine class that focuses on pushing your failure points and finding the perfect balance between speed and accuracy.
Using real advanced shooters from the firearms industry, law enforcement SWAT, and military special operations, this DVD set will show that no matter what level of the game you’re in, you always have the ability to excel.
The Art of the Dynamic Handgun is a 4-disc DVD set featuring over seven hours of actual live fire class instruction and additional instructional material.
Using a diverse group of beginner, intermediate, and advanced students, instructors Travis Haley and Chris Costa guide the class from the fundamentals of handgun operation, to problem solving, and through complex real-life scenarios. This progression from basic to advanced weapon manipulation pushes students of all skill levels to their failure points, illustrating how even the best shooters can advance and excel.
Magpul Dynamics brings the basic building block of Aerial Platform Operations. Whether you are a Law Enforcement, Military, Park Services, Coast Guard, etc… you can utilize this training tool to build the blocks required to increase your success and build your unit or agency standard operation procedures.
Instructors Travis Haley and Chris Costa address everything from budgeting issues, mission planning, recon, surveillance, search and rescue, maritime operations to actually having to take a shot from an aerial platform.
The Art of the Dynamic Shotgun features over five hours of actual live fire class instruction and additional instructional material.
While it's the most versatile and violent weapon system in the small arms arsenal, the shotgun brings a level of complexity that requires extensive training to master. This 3-disc instructional set progresses quickly as it covers the fundamentals of shotgun manipulation, pattering, weapon's configurations, action types, ammo management, and real life complex scenarios for the Home Defender, Law Enforcement Officer, Military Operator, and Competitor.
"There are two kinds of men who walk the earth ... Men of Action, and all the others." - Lt. Col Randolph C. White Jr. 2BN 58th Infantry
"There are two kinds of men who walk the earth ... Men of Action, and all the others." - Lt. Col Randolph C. White Jr. 2BN 58th Infantry
мои любимые
"You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor
Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
Semper Fi
"There are two kinds of men who walk the earth ... Men of Action, and all the others." - Lt. Col Randolph C. White Jr. 2BN 58th Infantry
Да. Хороша чертовка
Вы не солдаты. Вы убийцы в рубашках "Поло". (с) полковник Джон «Ганнибал» Смит
есть на ex.ua
потом будет остальное что есть... если не выпилят )
In Nomini Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti
In Nomini Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti
Не мог не вывесить.
Работа Хокума
Tribute to Magpul
Последний раз редактировалось Hokum; 29.11.2011 в 14:18.
Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
Semper Fi
Пока Трэвис основывал свой бизнес и прощался с Magpul, Крис малость повеселился, тестируя новый 100-патронник от SureFire:
Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
Semper Fi
Стеб над собой наше все
Three rules of combat:
1. Look cool
2. Know what you are doing
3. If rule two doesn't apply, refer back to rule one.
"There are two kinds of men who walk the earth ... Men of Action, and all the others." - Lt. Col Randolph C. White Jr. 2BN 58th Infantry
ИМХО держать оружие с выстовленым локтем, больший шанс что в тебя попадут. Поэтому логики такого удержания не понял. Если можете кто-то объясните.
Служу Отечеству и Спецназу!
Под "держать оружие с выстовленым локтем" Вы подразумеваете термин "ChickenWing"? Если да, то на счет "больший шанс что в тебя попадут" Вы ошибаетесь. Силуэт такая ошибка увеличивает незначительно и только с фронтального ракурса. Действительная же проблема ChickenWing в том, что такое положение руки не дает по нормальному вложится в приклад (ключица приподнята) и контролировать "подброс" при стрельбе (биомеханика говорит нам, что рычаг направлен не в ту сторону). Но, есть нюансы, например травмы ключицы и предплечья и боли в суставах, не позволяющие соблюдать правильные стойки, особенно при стрельбе с частыми переносами по фронту, что наглядно показывают некоторые фотографии профессиональных стрелков-спортсменов и военных.Сообщение от ~m0r@~
Кстати, а какая фото стала причиной Вашего замечания?
Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
Semper Fi