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Тема: Команди Львова

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  1. #9

    Re: Команди Львова

    1. Team Trident
    2. 18.03.2012
    3. Andy Nagorny
    4. 8
    5. US Navy, Seal Team 2 + US Navy EOD + Navy Intelligence
    6. Woodland, DCU, NWU, AOR, Multicam, Dress Blue
    7. andy.nagorny
    Последний раз редактировалось andynagorny; 11.08.2015 в 14:31.
    The call to serve, it has no sound, yet I have heard it in the whispered retelling of honorable sacrifices made by those who have served before me.
    The call to serve has no form, yet I have clearly seen it in the eyes of the men and women infinitely more courageous and more driven than most.
    The call to serve has no weight, yet I have held it in my hands...

    AMERICA*s NAVY: a global force for good

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