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SAR Offizier M41 FS-очень похож на Хеклер и Хок!? Модификация? Хм?. Какя? ...интернет недаёт такой инфы?

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В армии использовались/используются только G3 (последние модификации A3 - с фикс. прикладом и A4 - со складным) и G3KA4 - укороченная версия (пламегаситель сразу от цевья начинается).

На HKPRO однозначно написано: The G3KA4 with 12.4 inch barrel, smallest 7.62 x 51 caliber rifle that HK actually manufactures. The HK51 has been confused as being the smallest, but is only a production of American Class II manufacturers. Heckler & Koch does not make the HK51.

Конкретно SAR Offizier M41 FS - вариация на тему HK51 от какого-то лицензированного производителя, так же, как и SLR105 - вариация на тему АК74.

По MC51 могу сказать следующее:

Heckler and Koch did not make the MC51 or the HK51.

The MC51 was manufactured by FR Ordnance of the UK. They were made in small numbers for the SAS for operations in Northern Ireland. SAS needed compact weapons that could be carried inside cars yet have enough power to punch through buildings and car doors. Even the G3KA4 was considered too long. Some of the MC51s were assembled with integral suppressors. This is what many airsoft retailers refer to as the "G3 SBS". They were definitely a weapon meant for very specific situations, as they had horrible recoil. Since the MC51 was British, this is why it has a 0-1-20 trigger group, instead of the German S-E-F markings.

The HK51 were conversions of HK91s done by American gunsmiths including Bill Fleming and FJ Vollmer. In HK nomenclature, the "5" designates a submachine gun, or in this case something ridiculously short. Fleming and Vollmer both chopped down HK91s and converted them to full-autp and called them HK51s. Fleming designed what he called the HK51K, which had a 4.7" barrel, which had an amazing fireball effect because of the short barrel length. Vollmer also made the HK51B, a a 9" barrel belt-fed version which was mentioned above. The Tokyo Marui HK51 is based off a semiautomatic HK51 that Vollmer made with the legally required 16" barrel.

References to the Vollmer and Fleming conversions can be found at HK91.com.
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