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Тема: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

  1. #201
    Деструктор Аватар для Гарри
    Task Force 145 4 Life

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    а кто сказал что на Нам силзы? На Нам мы тупаяпихота(23 пехотная)
    "You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor

  2. #202
    Оператор Аватар для Артём
    г. Харьков
    3rd Recon Bn 3rd MARDIV III MEF "Mortalis"
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Цитата Сообщение от garold
    а кто сказал что на Нам силзы? На Нам мы тупаяпихота(23 пехотная)
    Хошь 501-е подарю? Сам ваксой с акрилом полосы красил ...
    Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
    Semper Fi

  3. #203
    Деструктор Аватар для Гарри
    Task Force 145 4 Life

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    начинаем уходить с темы)
    ок тогда следующий вопрос.насколько трушно будет размещение подфляжника на поясе и самое главное насколько трушное это решения для утилитарки?Если не оно то что можете посоветовать(а то в аптечке носить шары не кошер )
    "You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor

  4. #204
    Gearporn ACTOR Аватар для McMIHAL
    USN "DEVGRU" Red Team

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Цитата Сообщение от garold
    ...насколько трушно будет размещение подфляжника на поясе и самое главное насколько трушное это решения для утилитарки?
    речь идет о First Line? Или размещать сразу на Riggers Belt - так ни в ком случае. А собрать трушную первую линию с кошерным ремнем и подтяжками и подвесить туда подобные подсумки - вполне себе да! Хотя опять таки, на какую эпоху?
    То что морпехи боятся
    Того что пехотным не дано
    То от чего рейджеры крестятся
    Флотский спецназ смотрит как на г*вно (c)

  5. #205
    Деструктор Аватар для Гарри
    Task Force 145 4 Life

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    на 2006 год. конечно не на риггерс белт.Я говорил про дюти белт игловский.Кста брючным может быть только риггерс белт?(просто с темы РМС есть 5.11 оперейторс белт и думаю стоит ли сразу менять его?).А так думал дюти белт+подфляжник+магазинный один для м4+ магазинные для пистолета+сброс+ возможно гранатный.
    "You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor

  6. #206
    Gearporn ACTOR Аватар для McMIHAL
    USN "DEVGRU" Red Team

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    На 2006 с таким риггерс белтом "проканать" не получится.
    А при сборе Дьюти/Комбат белта стоит исходить из приоритетности носимой на нем "загрузки". Это в первую очередь кобура, магазины под секондари, клинок(для тру-маньяков), дампстер, а потом уже медикалы-утилити-вотер паучи, фраги и 40 майк майк подсумки(если талии дофига ). Ну и просто совет (не, комплекции у всех у нас разные): чем меньше по высоте подсумок на ремне, тем меньше ты себя сковываешь и меньше дискомфорта от "тычков" в поясницу при различных наклонах/изгибах/стойках.
    КаГбэ де-то так...
    То что морпехи боятся
    Того что пехотным не дано
    То от чего рейджеры крестятся
    Флотский спецназ смотрит как на г*вно (c)

  7. #207
    Деструктор Аватар для Гарри
    Task Force 145 4 Life

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    как человек который бегал с фастмагами на поясе к высоте паучей привык) а про какие подтяжки ты говорил?Просто на обычный дюти белт не видел(или ты про молле говорил?).
    Да и ещё насколько правильно будет стандартное (Л-образное) крепление Еймпойнта?Или только высокое или "гусиная шея"?
    "You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor

  8. #208
    Gearporn ACTOR Аватар для McMIHAL
    USN "DEVGRU" Red Team

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Я подозреваю что речь идет о "стандартном Л-образном креплении" для прицелов от Кинг-Армс и подобных ему китайских репликах. Оно "хронически" низкое, даже с учетом "волшебного эффекта" коллиматорного прицела, стойка мушки в поле зрения очень мешает. Тут либо использовать его на рельсовых системах типа A.R.M.S. (тогда мы не очень-то и спецура на 2006), либо повышающие планки (очень очень редко в использовании), либо - все верно - более высокие маунты для Аимпоинтов. Это более ортодоксальный способ решения проблемы.

    UPD: Да, я в первую очередь имел в виду молле-версию белта от Игл и подтяжки к нему, потому что закрепелние подсумков с палс-интерфейсом на "гладких" поясах сопряжено с очевидным геммором для юзера : если просто закрепить на поясе подсумок с более чем 4-мя рядами PALS'ин "на спине" каГбэ и не сложно, то от продольного "ерзанья" подсумка по поясу его ничто не удержит (либо очень плотный дактейпинг, хотя и тот не помогает). Тут конечно на помощь могут прийти Malice clips, но это гемор, гемор и ещё раз он.
    Если же использование "гладкого" ремня принципиально - есть подтяжки различной "коммерции", от BHI до HSGI, и даже совсем нестандартные решения (рабочие/строительные подтяжки)...
    То что морпехи боятся
    Того что пехотным не дано
    То от чего рейджеры крестятся
    Флотский спецназ смотрит как на г*вно (c)

  9. #209
    Мiнiстр землетрусiв
    г. Киев
    zug-1, 2./ FschJgBtl 261 "Pegasus kompanie"
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Если вы говорите о таком варианте пояса и подтяжек, то да - они не дают загруженному поясу сползать. Главной заслугой этих подтяжек назвал бы снятие части нагрузки с поясницы.
    Мерил с подтяжками оный пояс и без них. Есть нюансы в ношении...
    Попробовав оба варианта - себя взял бласт белт без подтяжек...
    Если на пояс вешаете много - подтяжки рекомендованы.
    Если по мелочи (под. для сброс \ мультитул \ пистолетные маги) - рекомендовал бы без них.
    Лично я сторонник загрузки броника, но не пояса...

  10. #210
    CIF/CRF K9 handler Аватар для Viking
    м.Броди / м.Львів
    ODA 3225, 3rd SFG CRF
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Цитата Сообщение от MIHAL
    Цитата Сообщение от Maks panzer
    такий юзається СФ
    Нет, данное детище китаепрома - НЕ Юзается. А прототип от LBT практически не юзается Зелеными беретами
    Кирасы, MBSS'ы, RRV - пожалуйста...
    мій боєць трішки не так питання поставив. хотілося почути чи можна використовувати такий плейт керіер для моделювання Зелених беретів?
    відповід отримали вичерпну так що спасибі.
    - Парни в пижамах остановили два полка?
    - Парни в пижамах и во Вэтнаме не растерялись. Пижаму нужно уважать. (с)

    "Если мы хотим пользоваться миром, приходится сражаться" - Цицерон. (с)

  11. #211
    CIF/CRF K9 handler Аватар для Viking
    м.Броди / м.Львів
    ODA 3225, 3rd SFG CRF
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    - з якого і по який рік використовулися Пелтори 1 ?
    - чи можна їх використовувати на 2005 - 2008 роки ?
    - чи сумісні Пелтор 1 з касками Міч 2000? чи зручне таке поєднання?
    - Парни в пижамах остановили два полка?
    - Парни в пижамах и во Вэтнаме не растерялись. Пижаму нужно уважать. (с)

    "Если мы хотим пользоваться миром, приходится сражаться" - Цицерон. (с)

  12. #212
    Оператор Аватар для Артём
    г. Харьков
    3rd Recon Bn 3rd MARDIV III MEF "Mortalis"
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Цитата Сообщение от Viking
    - з якого і по який рік використовулися Пелтори 1 ? — Ваш запрос обрабатывается.
    - чи можна їх використовувати на 2005 - 2008 роки ? — Да, хотя стоит уточнить комплектацию.
    - чи сумісні Пелтор 1 з касками Міч 2000? чи зручне таке поєднання? Зависит от размера и формы головы. Подружить можно.
    Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
    Semper Fi

  13. #213
    Mr. Freeze

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Использовался ли PJ-ми Blackhawk Plate Carrier Harness? Если да, в какой период?

  14. #214
    PJTL Аватар для BobCat
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Использовался ли PJ-ми Blackhawk Plate Carrier Harness? Если да, в какой период?
    Врядли ы найдете сколь либо значимое подтверждение массового применения данного плейта. С учетом того до до AFPLCS были собственные версии LBV образных и продукция HPC и LBT
    USAF Pararescue

  15. #215
    Оператор Аватар для Артём
    г. Харьков
    3rd Recon Bn 3rd MARDIV III MEF "Mortalis"
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Mar 15, 2011 by Justin Legg

    Well, the big day approaches in less than a week now. Training for the past two weeks has not been the best for me. It has been quite haphazard and I missed the last two big weekend walks. My puppies have been a bit much at times and we have been getting up way too early and staying up too late so things have been thrown off. No big deal, we’ll just walk and walk and keep on walkin’ until all 13.1 miles are done. Suzanne is in pretty good walking shape and like I said in my last post, I can push through the pain if it arises. And I know that at the end of the 13.1 miles the pain will subside, or at least it won’t be as bad. Like I talked about in my last post, the pain will end. And I still believe it will, although that is unfortunately sometimes in death. But, in an interesting twist that this journey has carried me along, I had to be politely reminded of that fact that not all of us get to make choices about that pain.

    When I was writing I think I lost sight of a few things and didn’t really address all the issues I should have. I got an e-mail from someone who was slightly hurt and offended by my last post. It was a woman whose daughter suffers from a chronic condition that leaves her in pain constantly. And from what I gather it’s nothing simple like a bruise or a pulled muscle, or even a little neuropathy. Apparently her daughter has been in pain as long as she can remember, she always will be her whole life, and it’s the kind that makes her throw up random meals on a regular basis and need pain medicines just to function well enough to attend school. She doesn’t have a choice to deal with pain. What this young gal has to do every day is what I choose to do some days. I sometimes forget how lucky I am to have that choice. I have gone through times where I was in pain for several months and there was even a stretch for about 2 ½ to 3 years where I was in pain every day. While I was coming back from my bone marrow transplant to get in shape to be a SEAL Platoon Commander I hurt every day. Aside from the problems from chemo, radiation and graft versus host disease, I also have 3 broken vertebrae in my upper back and two ruptured discs in my lower back. They caused pain throughout my body, not to mention the burning skin sensation every time I started to sweat for about 9 months, or the lesions on my tongue and inside my cheeks that never heal. Yes those days sucked. Most days I put the pain aside and did what I had to do, to get myself where I wanted to be. But, I did have a handful of days, especially at night, where I just laid next to my wife, when I couldn’t sleep because I was in so much discomfort… and cried. Yep, big tough Navy SEAL cried to his wife and complained that life wasn’t fair. And Suzanne said that I just had to keep going because quitting wasn’t an option for me. I told her many times that it wasn’t and she reminded me of that during the darkest days. She helped me to stop my whining and suck it up. But she also asked sometimes if I did, in fact, want to quit. She asked if I wanted to stop taking all the pills and stop busting my own ass every day. She said it was my choice. And she was right. She is still right. It was my choice. That is something I left out when I talked about pain.

    Sometimes we don’t have a choice when we feel pain or not. There are medicines we can take to deal with pain, but often times they only mitigate the pain, not control it. We don’t choose how intense it is or what it affects. We don’t choose if it hits us while we are driving, sitting in class, trying to be intimate, or exercising. Any way it appears, it’s never the right time or the right place, but what we can choose is how we deal it with. Pain and sickness can take away a lot of things but they can’t take away one’s ability to choose to deal with pain in a dignified manner. This is the point I think I was building to, but failed to make. Maybe I got a little wrapped up in telling everyone how tough I think I am and trying to inspire through being tough. But, in doing so I think I may have oversimplified ideas about enduring and not giving in to pain. I write this blog purporting to teach people a little about what it’s like to deal with chronic disease and how to overcome. But, what good does that do if I inadvertently knock someone’s spirit down a bit in doing so. I am not perfect (don’t let my wife read that – I’ll deny it). I don’t know everything (that too), but one thing that I do know for sure is that we are all learning, no matter where in life we are. I am still learning and should I ever feel like I don’t need to learn anymore, well that is the day that I just unlearned everything I’ve ever been taught. I have all kinds of things to talk about and teach people, but I had to be reminded that I did miss something by the caregiver of someone else in a situation tougher than my own.

    Like I talked about in one of my early posts, fighting chronic diseases and pain is like fighting a guerilla war. You give and take and put up your shields when things are rough and fight like hell when you are feeling good. Fighting pain is the same way in that we do what we can, whenever we can, to win. When it feels like it gets too much, we can turn to someone or something we trust in. Some people turn to a spouse or family member, some do yoga, others turn to humor, some hit a punching bag, and sometimes we need to take meds. We use whatever we have at our disposal to win, just like in war. Cheat if you must, but if you find something that gives you an edge when dealing with a deadly opponent, use it to win. Guerilla wars are often fought as revolutions based on ideals. Wars like these often last a long time – with the guerilla side already having it’s mind set on winning no matter what the cost. This is what I have my mind set on and I believe what the young girl fighting her battle every day, whose situation precipitated this post, has her mind on. Life isn’t roses all the time. Sometimes I paint a rosy picture of my plight. I do it for several reasons: I do have a slightly warped view of life, I have a “special” sense of humor, I feel I have a lot of beneficial information to share, I don’t want anyone’s pity, but most of all I want to inspire. I want to inspire others to help find cures for these diseases and I want to inspire those who are afflicted to fight the diseases directly. And for those still fighting, I want to inspire you to fight the pain with dignity. It can’t take away your choice to decide how you want to handle it. I hope by stepping up to apologize to those I may have offended, and admitting that even Navy SEALs who think they are tough, cry when they need to, that I have shown any situation can be handled with dignity. Physical pain is fairly easy for me to deal with, but admitting that I had an emotional situation or two that made me cry, BECAUSE I had to fight the pain every single day; that was a tough one. That’s something that I learned through meeting others dealing with diseases and situations far worse than mine. They dealt with their pain and disability even though they were less physically capable than I was. That taught me humility and it taught me that if any of them could handle their pain with dignity and do what they needed to do, then anyone can handle pain with dignity. As I said last time, “Pain be not be proud!!” Pain cannot take our dignity. And because it cannot do that it becomes powerless. Once powerless - it can be overcome. Pain thou shalt die and the human spirit shall win.

    P.S. Anyone that is thinking of making a joke about me crying, remember that the government did spend millions of dollars to ensure I can track down the worst men on the planet, anytime, anywhere, in any environment, and kill them ... and still remember to bring back chocolate and bunnies for my nieces!!

    See you at the finish line - your friendly, huggable Navy SEAL.
    Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
    Semper Fi

  16. #216
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special forces в наши дни

    Цитата Сообщение от Mr. Freeze
    Подскажите на счет снаряжения SFG на 2002-2003.
    Для полноты точности картины желательно указать
    группу SFG(abn) от этого много зависит,

    А вообще то в названии топика хотелось бы более точно писать буквы
    Special Force - это што то новое
    автору жирный минус

  17. #217
    Оператор Аватар для Артём
    г. Харьков
    3rd Recon Bn 3rd MARDIV III MEF "Mortalis"
    Записей в дневнике
    Цитата Сообщение от J8127
    I'm an E4 JTAC with a 6 month tour on the Pakistan border and a 6 month tour in Baghdad. Still in, more trips to Afghanistan on the way.
    • Quote: Originally Posted by huntgrouse
      Any experience with PMAG’s in combat, how they hold up, how they function., how they compare to issue mags

    PMAGs should be standard issue. They are superior in all ways imaginable.
    • Quote: Slings: what works best and why for in MRAP, M1151, M114, SUV’s, for dismounted,

    I run a blackhawk CQB single point (although there or several companies who sell the same thing). It's pretty much just a quick release D-Ring on a strap that attaches to your MOLLE. I think it is the best setup for any operation. QD it off and on when dismounting/mounting, fastest and least interfering sling when walking.
    • Quote: Sights; what BUIS works best. Any issues with durability, holding zero, falling off the weapon
      ACOG: pros cons, issues. Holding zero. Engaging targets at log range

      CCO: Comp M2 or Comp M4 same questions as with ACOG

    Never used my BUIS, I had an Eotech with a flip out 3x magnifier. Wish I could have had an ACOG but "legally" getting one from the AF is next to impossible. Don't get me started on the AF and weapons, it's downright negligent.
    • Quote: After market personally purchased gear: what works, what doesn’t

    If I had the money, I would replace 95% of my issued gear with better stuff that is readily available online. What I did do is a lot of my own pouches to tailor my load out, it seems you get issued the standard rifleman stuff but after that you are on your own. Issued rucks/3-day bags are a joke, my unit buys commercial ones before deployments.
    • Quote: What works for maintenance that isn’t being taught.

    Put more damn lube on it and keep the dust cover shut. Barrel covers are great too.
    • Quote: Training ?

    Ideally, the big military should take a note from the cool guys and contract our some weapons training to civilian instructors. I got more out of a couple days of a good civilian instructor than 2 years of the usual military training. I believe units have the ability to contract these guys, which is what mine does, but it needs to actually happen.
    Цитата Сообщение от J8127
    Military Load-Out
    Diamondback Tactical AW-FAPC with Cummerbund

    Carries front and back plates with provisions for side plates and soft armor inserts if required.

    Chest - DBT Admin Pouch with notebooks, pens, reference cards, etc...
    Chest - Blackhawk Single Point with Quick Release
    Chest - Peltor Dual-Comm PTT (not on)
    Stomach - Behind the pouches the AW-FAPC has an internal setup that I stuff maps/imagery in
    Back- Emdom 2L Carrier

    (Left Side)
    -2x DBT Single Mag pouches stacked on top (speed reloads)
    -DBT Double Mag pouch
    -DBT 148/152 pouch
    -2x DBT General Purpose pouches (usually empty, one is for a battery, the other for a 148/152 Amp)
    -TCI MAST MBITR Antenna holder thingy

    (Right Side)
    -DBT General Purpose pouch with my "FAC Kit" plus I stuff my gloves, Garmin, earpro, etc... in here for storage. Medical Sheers tucked behind for opening MRE's like you wouldn't believe
    -Tourniquet rubber banded on
    -TT Double Mag pouch for my GPS
    -TT Pouch for my IR pointer
    -DBT General Purpose pouch for NVG's and other nighttime parts
    -Zulu Nylon IFAK pouch with expired medical supplies

    I only carry 4 Magazines on my rack because it's a safe bet that if I have to use any more than that we are pretty fucked, and the radio setup is more important to me. All my handheld Equipment is on my right hand side because I (realistically) cannot fire a weapon and operate the equipment at the same time anyway. Radio Amp/IFAK are in the back and out of reach.

    MSA TC2001 "Shorty" Helmet turned into an Ops-Core knockoff
    -Ops-Core Shroud with GI Rhino Arm
    -Ops-Core X-Nape
    -Pads strategically out of the way (Always have a headset on...)
    -Rescue Strobe Velcro'd to back of helmet
    -Bunny Ears Velcro'd down

    I run this helmet because it makes wearing a headset so much more bearable. I have big dumbo ears to begin with, add the pressure of an ACH and I become a grumpy SOB in about 30 seconds. Gratuitous IR reflective gucci shit to make up for the lack of any on my uniform

    Self Explanatory Gun-Belt. I rarely take my M9 on missions so I keep all my M9 (and only my M9) shit on this belt so I can just dump it all or take it all. The blackhawk holster is hiked up as high as I can get it, and I have a quick-release dump pouch on the other side. I don't use it to dump anything, it fits another piece of equipment.

    The overall idea is that I could carry everything I need/want to operate and not carry a bag at all, although 9 times out of 10 I have to anyway
    Цитата Сообщение от J8127
    Helmet rails for MICH 2001 (High Cut)
    I have a MICH 2001 helmet (that would be the "Special Forces High Cut") and I want accessory rails for it (Ops-Core Impostor). However, the ACH-ARC rails apparently don't fit (I'm not sure why, the screws are in the same place, I am assuming it's due to the height of the cut).

    Is anyone aware of any accessory rails that will fit this helmet?


    EDIT- Airsoft knockoffs will not work, this is my no kidding combat helmet
    Цитата Сообщение от J8127
    I was in Afghanistan when McChrystal took over and it was a very dramatic shift in the mindset and course of action taken. I caught the last couple months of the "wild west" stage. I have not been back since Patraeus took over. I don't want to go into specifics because I am not sure what parts are sensitive anymore so I would prefer to just say nothing IRT the spins/roe.
    Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
    Semper Fi

  18. #218
    Деструктор Аватар для Гарри
    Task Force 145 4 Life

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Насколько трушно для силзов(тим 3) юзать РРВ+пака или аналог снизу+Спина к РРВ?Спина или от РРВ или от МБСС(насколько знаю небольшая разница между ними в конструкции есть.И поверх спины HAWG.
    "You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor

  19. #219
    Оператор Аватар для Артём
    г. Харьков
    3rd Recon Bn 3rd MARDIV III MEF "Mortalis"
    Записей в дневнике

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    Цитата Сообщение от garold
    Насколько трушно для силзов(тим 3) юзать РРВ+пака или аналог снизу+Спина к РРВ?Спина или от РРВ или от МБСС(насколько знаю небольшая разница между ними в конструкции есть.И поверх спины HAWG.
    Вы таки удивитесь узнав, что "спин" к RRV бывает аж 7 различных вариантов, и что они значительно отличаются по креплению к RRV от задней панели MBSS.

    З.Ы. Кому там P.I.G в Афганистане нужен был?
    Amateurs work until they get it right, Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.
    Semper Fi

  20. #220
    Деструктор Аватар для Гарри
    Task Force 145 4 Life

    Re: Подскажите как выглядят Special force в наши дни

    я говорил про эту спину http://www.triadtactical.com/Eagle-Rear ... ction.html
    "You carry- we bury" Richard Pryor

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