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Тема: "Вброс" межсезонья 2013

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  1. #10
    Erin go bragh Аватар для Borat
    Task Force 145 (Irish Legion)

    Re: Миссии для ЧВК

    А где там написано что нельзя стрелять пока в тебя не стреляют?
    такого там нема, але є наступне :

    A. The use of any type of force must be necessary and reasonable
    under all of the circumstances.
    (See the discussion below on use
    of deadly force for a discussion or necessity and reasonableness.)
    1. Employees will use graduated force where possible. The
    following is the graduated scale to use if its use will not
    unnecessarily endanger you or others
    a) SHOUT: verbal warning to HALT
    b) SHOVE: physical restraint, block access, or detain
    c) SHOW: your weapon and demonstrate intent to use it
    d) SHOOT: to remove the threat only when necessary

    A. Principles on the Use of Deadly Force
    3. The use of deadly force is reasonable when the employee
    reasonably believes, under all of the facts and circumstances
    known to the employee at that time,
    that the person at whom the
    use of force is directed presents an imminent threat that could
    result in death or serious bodily injury to the employee or
    another person.
    4. The use of deadly force is authorized when it becomes
    reasonably necessary.
    5. The use of deadly force must be objectively necessary and
    reasonable under all the circumstances known to the individual
    at the time.
    “Necessity” encompasses many factors, such as the
    likelihood that the subject will use deadly force on the employee
    or others if such force is not used by the employee; the
    employee’s knowledge of the capabilities of the threatening
    party or situation; the presence of other persons who may be at
    risk if force is not used; and the nature and the severity of the
    subject’s conduct or the danger posed. “Reasonableness” of a
    belief or decision must be viewed from the perspective of the
    individual on the scene who may often be forced to make split
    second decisions under circumstances that are tense,
    unpredictable and rapidly evolving. Reasonableness and
    necessity are not to be viewed from the calm vantage point of
    6. Whenever a situation occurs in which deadly force is deemed
    , those DI personnel involved should, where feasible,
    attempt to move to a secure location, such as a military
    compound or housing compound, in order to minimize the
    necessity of having to use deadly force.
    5. Summary of escalation of force requirements (as circumstances
    a. if in a convoy: motorcade will have visible warning lights;
    position follow vehicle to screen convoy;
    b. use of highly visible warning signs in English and Arabic;
    c. use of hand signals and verbal warnings;"

    імхо, дуже багато наголошується на необхідності та обгрунтованості застосування сили.
    тому що буде розслідування, і у випадку якщо вам непощастило - мали б посадити

    офф-топ мод он
    Ляля, ответь пожалуйста.
    а ти тоді точно аватар "перепутав" коли до Пірса в лічку писав ?
    офф-топ мод офф
    Последний раз редактировалось Borat; 28.01.2013 в 15:37.
    What is the difference between a battery and a whisky ?
    A battery has a negative side.

    I feel like a star

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