Qana The Village of the Israeli Massacre
On Tuesday April 18, 1996 Israeli 155mm howitzers shelled UIFIL's Fiji BATT compound in the village of Qana a few kilometers south east of Tyre. Around 800 civilians had taken refuge at the base. Israelis targeted the base in retaliation for the Hizballah attack on one of their special forces groups who were in action north and outside of the Iraeli occupied "security zone" laying landmines. Over 100 civilians were killed.
The shelling is documented in a UN report discussed in Time Magazine's article Qana: Anatomy of a Tragedy by James Walsh.

These images are from raw and edited video supplied by Al Manar TV in Beirut, April, 1996.
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Qana Victims after outrageous Israeli shelling on The UN Compounds
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