• MadBull: подъём цен на киты серии JP

    Саймон (Simon) из MadBull сообщает о подъёме цен на комплекты для конверсии в винтовки JP, вызванный высокой стоимостью материалов, работ, а также уровнём доллара.



    We tried very hard to supply you high quality and low price JP rifles series accessories.
    However, because of the high material price, currency rate, and labor cost, we have to raise up the price of JP rifles kits.

    The MSRP retail price will jump about $10-$25 USD for JP Rifles kits.

    As to the JP upper and lower receivers, we will only supply the completed kits (Upper + lower) in order to save our inventory cost.

    So, if you own either a JP upper or lower, please buy the other part asap.

    Again, we will only supply a “completed” receiver in the future.

    Thanks again.”

    Источник: www.madbullairsoft.com

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